Let's celebrate the Baby Goat's 35th trip around the sun with month-long run/walk PARTY challenge!

Let's celebrate the Baby Goat's 35th trip around the sun with a virtual run/walk month long PARTY challenge! Join us for 35 or 70 miles in the month of March! Complete the run/walk/hike miles between March 1st and March 31st!
*This is a challenge based on purposeful miles logged. Example, heading out the door for a run, walk or hike. For this challenge, we ask that you do not include “steps” accumulated through the day on a Fitbit or similar device, yardio minutes or any other fitness type minutes converted to miles.
Plus, get these awesome challenge perks:

All participants who are actively logging their mileage, and are on track to complete their 35 or 70 miles in the month will be entered into a weekly drawing for a BABY GOAT BIRTHDAY BOX filled with SWAG!
For any participants who log ALL of their miles for the month, you will be entered to win a pair of running shoes at the end of the month!

Pay what you can. PWYC! There is no cost to participate in this challenge. If you can afford to pay anything to participate in this challenge, we thank you. We exist only because of our participants participation in our events. Any funds collected will go directly towards helping keeping our small business afloat after several challenging years.

Must Order By March 10, 2023